Automotive Engineering
- Elasticity of Nonhomogeneous Media and Functionally Graded Materials
- Fracture Mechanics
- Automotive Engineering
- Mechanical Vibrations, Nonlinear Vibrations
- Mechanics of Composite Materials
- Renewable energy systems
- Reactive flows
- Internal combustion engines
- Radiation heat transfer
- Additive Manufacturing
- Crashing Behaviour of Composite Structures
- Wind Energy Applications, design, analysis and manufacturing of composite wind turbine blades
- Manufacturing and mechanical properties of nanocomposites, filled and reinforced engineering plastics and rubber.
- Characterization of plastic materials (cure kinetics and crystallization using DSC, DTMA) for process modeling.
- Processing of advanced fiber reinforced composites and nanocomposites
- Modeling and Measurement of Residual Stresses
- Finite element modeling of thermoplastic and thermoset composites processing including heat transfer, crystallization/curing, material response, shrinkage, residual stress development and warpage
- Fatigue and fracture of metallic materials
- Elastic-plastic modeling of cyclic loading in metals.
- Road simulation testing of automotive components and substructures
- Autonomous/cooperative vehicles; advanced driver assistance systems; powertrain control, automotive control
- Dynamics and control; networked/distributed control systems; hybrid systems; model predictive control;
- Object tracking, sensor fusion, localization, motion planning and control algorithms for mobile robots;
- Hardware-in-the-loop testing; rapid control prototyping; mechatronic system architecting